Do you have a to-do list of brand assets and want to get your needs met in just one day?

Dedicated design days are ideal if you need to get quality work done quickly without the hassle of going back and forth over a long period of time.

Book a day

What is a dedicated design day?

Design days (or half days) allow me to fully focus on your specific visual needs and turn around your brand assets in an efficient and professional manner.

What's included?

Preparation work to ensure all your information is gathered for your specific project so as not to waste time on your designated design day.

Regular check-in's throughout your design day for feedback and approval.

Post Design Day support - for any small fixes and email support for any ongoing queries.

Dedicated design days

How do they work?

Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3



Design Day

Complete the contact form with all your requirements and what you would like to check off on your design day.

I will review your request and advise if a half or full day would work best then schedule a convenient day. 

Complete the contact form with all your requirements and what you would like to check off on your design day.

I will review your request and advise if a half or full day would work best then schedule a convenient day. 

Leading up to your designated design day, I will be in contact to establish a plan and a priority list of items.

You will then have your homework to provide me with all the content details before the day.  

Leading up to your designated design day, I will be in contact to establish a plan and a priority list of items.

You will then have your homework to provide me with all the content details before the day.  

I get to work on designing your assets with regular check-in's throughout the day to ensure we are on track and to get your feedback and approval.

The day ends with with a happy client holding all their final files.

I get to work on designing your assets with regular check-in's throughout the day to ensure we are on track and to get your feedback and approval.

The day ends with with a happy client holding all their final files.

A typical design day











I get to work on your designs

Check-in 1 - I send design proofs and you provide feedback

Check-in 2 - Revised designs and more progress is sent for final feedback

Check-in 3 - Designs are sent for final approval

Your design work and to-do list is done!

What can we accomplish in one day?


Brand Refresh

  • Simple Logo
  • Icon
  • Typography
  • Colour Palette


Printed Marketing

  • Posters/Flyers
  • Stationary
  • Business Cards
  • Brochures/Booklets

Digital Advertising

  • Adverts
  • Social Media 
  • Presentations
  • Newsletters

*Half days are available if you have smaller needs or you can book multiple days for larger jobs.

single design day  

Half design day



Frequently asked questions


What can we get done in one day?

1 large project or 3-5 small projects (depending on the complexity)

Large Projects - e.g. Brand refresh, complete social media bundle or booklet design

Small Projects - e.g. Digital Ads, Social Media Content, Print assets etc.  

Can i use you even if you haven't designed my brand?

Yes! As long as you can provide me with your brand collateral in high quality logo files, your fonts, colours and any imagery you currently use.

Do i need to be available all day?

No! You only need to be available at the three check-in points 12pm, 2:30pm and 4:30pm.

What if we don't finish everything?

During the preparation process I will aim to be realistic in setting the expectations for what can be accomplished in the day. Therefore it is vital that all information required is completed in the preparation time before your design day.

Depending on how long your to-do list is if it is not possible to get everything done in the day we can add on the option for another full or half day.

How does payment work?

I will send you an invoice the morning of your design day, and payment is due by the end of the day. Your final files will be delivered once your payment is received. 

Wanting something more unique?
Then you need custom brand development for unique custom design that is personalised just for you.